The Origins of Child Learning Enhancement Intervention System (CLSES)
The origin of a Child Development & Learning Intervention Programme (CDLIP) is highly related with kinesthetic activities and physical games. For children, kinesthetic activities are the most natural, relax and happiest daily activity ability. It is the fastest way to help children to develop, to learn, and to live a normal life. Nevertheless, children’s innate ability of playing has been gradually supplanted by electronic devices or games arising from the impact of highly developed technology. Some natural skills (e.g. crawling, jumping, running, etc.) which children learn from kinesthetic play have been ignored or even not exposed nor developed. The natural kinesthetic activities and play are one of the most effective interventions for children with developmental or learning difficulties.

In order to apply the most natural method to help children, the goal of CDLIP is to compensate children with the opportunity of kinesthetic activity and play which they have not been exposed to in early childhood and to discover their potentials. In comparison with normal physical training, “play” is a spontaneous behavior caused by the child's individual intrinsic motivation. Hence, children would definitely enjoy the intervention which is based on“play”. These kinesthetic activities and play are specially tailored according to children’s needs. The therapeutic, structured and individualized play could help to enhance children’s functioning; enabling children to “learn by doing”.

Besides enhancing children’s physical functioning, Taiwanese scholars assert that play or kinesthetic activity combines physical , psychological, and social components, thus, play could enhance children’s cognition, socialization, behavioral and emotional development. Hence, children’s cognition, behavior and emotion are the intervention focus of CDLIP. Through play, especially group play, children learn not only emotional and behavioral control but also learn to improve their communication ability which helps to develop their self-awareness and to establish their confidence.

The founder of CDLIP has added the spiritual component in CDLIP in order to address the balanced development of children’s “body”, “mind” and “spirit”. Researches find that a child’s symptoms such as hyperactivity and inattention are not only due to bodily or neurological dysfunction, but also highly related to a child’s psychological disturbance such as anxiety, anger, fear, etc. Young children who are not able to express their feelings verbally tend to express themselves with inappropriate behaviors. The CDLIP takes care of children’s mind and spiritual development. It incorporates intervention with the instructor’s patience and empathy to fully accept the children and help them.